English Drama Club
The English Drama Club, led by the NET and English teachers, aims to cultivate students’ passion and interests for performing art. We provide students with different kinds of training in the club, for instance, basic drama skills and back-stage technical supports, for the purpose of enriching their all-rounded knowledges towards performing art. Moreover, we join the Hong Kong Inter-School Drama Festival every year in which students can get an opportunity to perform and enjoy every moment being on the stage after countless practices. We hope that students can learn much more than they expect through the English Drama Club. Let’s have fun with us!
劍橋英語班按同學的英語的程度及能力,分Starters, Movers及Flyers三個級別進行教學活動。課程將以輕鬆有趣的教學方法進行英語練習,減低同學對英語學習的抗拒,加強同學的應試技巧,為劍橋英語考試作好準備。內容將圍繞日常生活上常見的事物及用語,幫助同學更能掌握英語,於日常生活中能學以致用。